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The CES 2024 conference is organized in close cooperation with two laboratories: Elico and Triangle.

Conference Location

14 Avenue Berthelot, Lyon 7e (Sciences Po Lyon); 18 Quai Claude Bernard, Lyon 7e (Université Lyon 2)

Partner Institutions 

CNRS | ENS de Lyon | Enssib |  Sciences Po Lyon | Université Jean Monnet de St Etienne | Université Lumière Lyon 2 | Université Lyon 1 | Université Lyon 2 | Université Lyon 3

Conference Registration is Now Closed!

Note: Individuals affiliated with partner institutions listed above should reach out to the Events team at events@ces-europe.org before registering!


Regular Registration Rates

(Applicable to those who register after April 10th)

Student – $170 (Must have a valid individual membership)

Under $50,000 – $200 (Must have a valid individual membership)

$50,000-$100,000 – $240 (Must have a valid individual membership)

$100,000-$150,000 – $265  (Must have a valid individual membership)

Over $150,000 –  $330/$380/$425 (Choice of participant / must have a valid individual membership)

Non-member participant – $450

One-day pass – $95


If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at: events@ces-europe.org.